Thursday, June 9, 2011

The Rain we were complaining about has come

Well as the title says...
Before- looking down Oak Alley
 After. Note the very old oak tree we were unable to pull down with the tractor but the wind blew it over for us.

Before at the lunge ring
  During- 8th June 2011
After- 9th June 2011
Below is the drift area. It's like a roughly cobbled road with water over it most of the time but it has it's dry times too.
The pic below is how it normally looks and the one below right was when we thought we'd had a lot of rain.

This was taken this morning. Jan is standing where Max was standing in the last pic and can you see the drift in the distance? It had a standing wave. Anyone for a swim? It was flowing so strongly that standing dead trees were wobbling in it's path. We will not be getting out along our driveway anytime soon either.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Goodbye Greeba

I had to say goodbye to my old lady cat today. Goodbye Greeba- see you on the other side. She was 15 and was named after Greebo in Terry Pratchett's novels. The cat who ate dogs and she did in her day.

I realised on the way to the vet, that it took me as long to get onto the road from our house as it would have taken to drive to the vet in Midrand. And after a chat with someone undergoing hijacking every month in our old street, thank goodness we don't live there anymore. I think I'll stick with the mousebirds that eat all my crops. When the bird netting is finally up, that too will be solved. That is as long as the wind doesn't take that on holiday.

Plastering and more

Sorry for the lack of progress reports but here are a few pictures to show where we are now. The internal walls are drywall on timber frames...